Make a Statement With Unique Garage DoorsMake a Statement With Unique Garage Doors

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Make a Statement With Unique Garage Doors

Your garage is more than just a place to keep your car. It is also a statement about your home and family. My name is Michelle, and I can help you choose the right garage door to fit your lifestyle and the design of your home. Garage doors don't have to be a standard neutral color. They can be modern and sleek or have a faux wood look that adds an historical feel. A Victorian home can be accented by a garage door with a complicated color scheme, while a country home may require a more traditional look. Open your mind and consider all of the garage doors available to you.

What Can Happen If You Don't Fix A Broken Garage Door?

When a garage door breaks, many homeowners panic — and understandably so. After all, there are many reasons why properly functioning garage doors are important. If the door to your garage breaks, don't put off garage door services for longer than necessary. Here are five things that can happen if you ignore a broken garage door.

1) You lose protection against the elements

A broken garage door makes it easy for rain, snow, wind, and other elements to get into your garage. This can damage the items in this space and make it harder for you to keep your property clean and dry. If you postpone garage door services for too long, you may find that you have to replace your personal possessions — such as bikes or tools — along with your garage door.

2) You risk injury

A broken door can be a major safety hazard, especially when it's part of your garage. If a broken garage door isn't fixed quickly, you or someone else could be injured if the door suddenly falls off its track. Garage doors are heavy, so they can severely hurt you, your family, or your furry friends.

3) You make it easier for thieves to access your home

A broken garage door also makes it easier for thieves to access your home. When the door is in good working condition, burglars have a harder time breaking into your property. That's because a properly functioning garage door provides an extra layer of security and makes it harder for uninvited guests to make their way into your home.

4) You risk further damage to your garage door or surrounding walls

Generally, garages aren't standalone structures. Instead, they are usually connected to your home and other supporting walls. If a broken garage door isn't fixed, the weight of the door can cause damage to the walls and structure of your house. This could require costly repairs that can be avoided with timely garage door services.

5) You could void your insurance policy

As a homeowner, you have certain responsibilities when it comes to maintaining and repairing your property. If you have an insurance policy, ignoring a broken garage door can be considered negligence in some cases — which could potentially void your coverage. You are also at risk of getting sued if someone is injured by your damaged garage door. 

It's important to note that if you own a broken garage door, its condition can actually get worse over time. Contact a local garage door service like Shank Door as soon as you notice something is wrong.